Ready to go? We provide FREE Estimates, Consultations,
and Come to You. Just contact us!

Our Home Base

AIS Industries, Inc.- Headquarters
4300 S. Station Master Drive
Tucson, Arizona 85714

Give Us a Call!

+1 520 882 0233

Interested in stopping by? 
We’re happy to come to your site or you can come by our facility.
Give us a call at 520-882-0233

for a free estimate or quote

fill out our quick contact form below

Tell us what you’re working on! We want to meet you.

AIS Industries works with new businesses, startups, established companies, and excited to hear about their new projects. We go out to visit sites daily and are happy to provide a FREE estimate and see how we can help you build out your operation. Got something unique or custom needed? Awesome, we love that too.

  • We provide on-site visits
    (Yes, we come to you!)
  • FREE estimates and consults
  • Visit our facility for a tour
    (We keep clean shop floors!)
  • Interested in a demo of our new laser?
    ? Contact [email protected]

Still not sure? That’s OK. We like talking to real people on the phone too.
Call us at 520-882-0233